Sunday, November 18, 2012

Blog Post #12

Frantic college student

While sitting in my driveway next to my fire pit this week thinking of what I could do as a blog assignment, Jeff Foxworthy's game "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" and Dr. Strange's saying "Some of you will not pass the 3rd grade." just kept on replaying in my mind. After some time thinking about the two, I finally found the assignment that I think Dr. Strange should have done: "Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader?". This game will be set up like the popular game show but with a slight twist; you have four to five third grade students as the panel, the contestant will be one of the student's parent, and the topics will solely be based on the criteria that the children were taught in school. Here is the catch, if the parent does not know what the answer to the question is, then they have two choices: take the (play) money and leave or pass and it will come back again later on. If the parent choses to take the money and leave, then they have to turn to the audience and say their name and say "I am not smarter than my 3rd grade child". Are you ready to play? Let us begin!
These are the criteria that is met in the third grade:
1. Mathematics
2. Social Studies
3. Science
4. Language Arts
5. Reading

Each topic will have two questions. Every other topic will be worth at least five hundred dollars or more as the contestant moves up and the other topics will be less than five hundred dollars. Starting to sound like fun does it not? So let us begin to play Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader! The way that I want the game to be shown is by using a comic preferably Pixton.


  1. Hi Alecia,

    First off I would like to say very interesting blog post! I like the fact that the assignment is humorous. I think the comic strip is pretty good, and creative for the game. I did see just a few errors while I was going through your blog post. One of your sentences, when you list the parent’s choices to choose from, you used the word and three times; in the same sentence watch out for little mistakes like, “chooses” instead of “choses”.

    -“If the parent choses to take the money and leave, then they have to turn to the audience and say their name and say ‘I am not smarter than my 3rd grade child’.”

    Next, make sure you are using plural nouns
    throughout your whole sentence and not just in the beginning.

    -“These are the criteria that is met in the third grade:”…These are the criteria that are met in the third grade:

    Last just make sure to proof read for correct punctuation, like quotations and commas. Thanks, Alecia great post!

  2. This is a wonderful idea, however, it's not really an assignment Dr. Strange could assign to EDM 310 students.
